It is easy to call/render taxonomy fields on taxonomy template. We just have to create template file according to vocabulary machine name like 'application landing page' is taxonomy and machine name will be 'application_landing_page', but our template name will be 'taxonomy-term--application-landing-page.html.twig' as per Drupal 8(Symphony) Syntax.
and we will call/render fields like..
Term id: {{ }} // term id
Term Url: {{ url }} // current page url
Term Title: {{ term.label }} // term title
Term Image: {{ file_url(term.field_product_group_image.entity.uri.value) }} // show url of product group image is the image field in taxonomy
Term Description/body: {{ content.description }}
Term Link field: {{ term.field_link.0.url }}
Term Link Title field: {{ term.field_link.0.title }}
Term custom field: {{ content.field_machine_name }}
If we want to check any field value exist or not then we are giving an example like we have field 'line of business' so machine name will be line_of_busines and we will check by..
{% if content.field_line_of_busines is not empty %}
{{ content.field_line_of_busines }}
{% endif %}
Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'How to render fields on Taxonomy twig templates' then you can ask by comments.
and we will call/render fields like..
Term id: {{ }} // term id
Term Url: {{ url }} // current page url
Term Title: {{ term.label }} // term title
Term Image: {{ file_url(term.field_product_group_image.entity.uri.value) }} // show url of product group image is the image field in taxonomy
Term Description/body: {{ content.description }}
Term Link field: {{ term.field_link.0.url }}
Term Link Title field: {{ term.field_link.0.title }}
Term custom field: {{ content.field_machine_name }}
If we want to check any field value exist or not then we are giving an example like we have field 'line of business' so machine name will be line_of_busines and we will check by..
{% if content.field_line_of_busines is not empty %}
{{ content.field_line_of_busines }}
{% endif %}
Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'How to render fields on Taxonomy twig templates' then you can ask by comments.