It's a very easy way to render nested paragraph fields, we are going to explain with 2 methods for link field data.
Method 1: Suppose your paragraph(entity reference revisions) name is 'simple_card', so your file name will be "paragraph--simple-card.html.twig" and we have to render inner paragraph(entity reference revisions) link field data, so our approach will be...
{% for item in content.field_p_link['#items'] %}
{{ item.entity.field_link.uri }}
{% endfor %}
Method 2: Our second method will be direct one line code for this inner 'field_link' field data is...
{{ content.field_p_link['#items'].entity.field_link.uri }}
// here field_p_link is the first paragraph revision field and field_link is a nested paragraph field.
Imp: Other text fields simply render by
{{ content.field_p_link['#items'].entity.field_first_name.value}}
Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'How to render nested paragraph field in drupal 8 paragraph twig?' then you can ask by comments.