Showing posts with label git push. Show all posts
Showing posts with label git push. Show all posts

Friday, 30 July 2021

How to rebase and merge in master or other branch in git?

Simple way to rebase and merge the branch into other branch/master in git is going to explain by some steps:

1. Go to your Branch. // which you want to merge... in Git bash

2. git rebase master_branch_name // underline word will be your master or other branch where you want to upload.

This rebase will push your commits to top of the master/other branch..

3. Then pull and push the code by git desktop software.

4. Then go to the master or head branch (git checkout branch name)

5. git merge your_branchname  // underline word will be your lower branch name.

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'How to rebase and merge in master or other branch in git?' then you can ask by comments. 

Friday, 18 June 2021

How to add, commit, push files and database changes in git process?

We are going to explain not only famous git commands but also will discuss very useful Drush command for upload config(database) changes on a branch.

Follow these steps as given for upload files and database(config) changes on the branch.

1. drush cex => This command is used to upload a database(config) changes on the branch.

2. git status => To check the changes in files and database(config).  

3. git add => This command is used to add your changes on a branch, here you have to git add \<changes file path or config changes path>


3. git add --all => This command is used to add all edited file changes at the same time.

4. git commit => This command is used to commit the added changes on branch by- [git commit -m "type message for commit here"] 

5. git push => This command is used to push all commit changes on the current branch.


If git operations are difficult for you then follow these given steps.

1. drush cex => This command is required first for upload database(config) changes on the branch.

2. Then use "Git desktop" software for all above git operations on the branch by great GUI. 

download link:

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'How to add, commit, push files and database changes in git process?' then you can ask by comments. 

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When you found error regarding 'max_execution_time' exceed, then you can follow steps for resolve this error: Steps:   You can put t...