Showing posts with label error messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label error messages. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 June 2020

How to check log error messages in Drupal 8?

As we know about log messages in Drupal, Log messages are our project related, every user related track (error, notice, warning, failure, PHP issue). In our Drupal we can check that track with URL '/admin/reports/dblog'.

And if we create a custom Module and we want to track every event of module, every time activity that we can write that code in this module.

Logs with an arbitrary level:
\Drupal::logger('module_name')->log($message); //When a module was installed

Normal but significant events:
\Drupal::logger('module_name')->notice($message); //Normals events, as cron execution

Exceptional occurrences:
\Drupal::logger('module_name')->warning($message); //exceptional cases not an error

\Drupal::logger('module_name')->error($message); //error messages

And If we have requirement that we want to track this log error message by File
In that case we have a Drupal 8 module that we can install "File Log" module.

After configure, that file will be Create in root area Bydefault "site/default/files/logs".
I am going to share that module link here.

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'How to check log error messages in Drupal 8?' then you can ask by comments.  

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