drush @alias cim //for point config changes
Friday, 30 July 2021
How to point the branch changes to Acquia by Git?
drush @alias cim //for point config changes
Monday, 14 June 2021
Create and move to New branch in Git.
We are going to explain with some steps..
Git Bash process..
1. 'git checkout' // from current branch.
2. 'git checkout postlaunch_qa' //You can rename underline area, from where you get the branch data.
3. git pull
Cmd process..
- mysql -u drupal -p cvent < dev-cvent.sql // Run the fresh database here. (dev-cvent.sql this will be on root) [optional - not every time required]
- drush cr //for clear cache
- drush cim //for config import changes.
4. 'git branch --all' // for get all branches. (optional)
5. 'git branch <new branch name>' // for create new branch for new work.
6. 'git checkout <new branch name>' //for checkout that branch
After this process For login/reset password:
drush uli // run this command and will return kind of url:
put this on url website url and it will redirect to reset password for login.
Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'Create and move to New branch in Git.' then you can ask by comments.
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