In drupal 7, we have node_load($nodeid) for load the node but now in drupal 8 syntax is changed and now node load by Node::load($nodeid) or Add the name space at the top of the page. \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nodeid);
If we are using Symfony library and calling name space
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
So we do not need to use node class in node::load, we just need the syntax like Node::load($nodeid);
but if we are not calling or render name space then for node load we need to use the syntax like
For get the node detail fields by Node::load($nodeid) syntax is..
Example: This example is for single node load.
$node_detail = Node::load($nodeid);
$node_detail = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nodeid);
$node_id = $node_detail->id();
$node_title = $node_detail->getTitle();
$node_status = $node_detail->isPublished();
$node_type = $node_detail->type->target_id;
$node_field_select_id = $node_detail->get('field_machine_name')->target_id;
$node_field_select_value = $node_detail->get('field_machine_name')->value;
In drupal 8 for load multiple nodes of any `Content Type`, we have Node::loadMultiple() and Drupal::entityQuery() functions for load all the nodes of given content type. We have an Example with Syntax for this, please have a look.
$all_nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('type','write content type machine name ')->execute();
Then pass the $get_all_nids variable to Node::loadMultiple function for get data..
$nodes = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($get_all_nids);
$nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('type','applications')->execute(); // There application is my content type machine name..
$node_detail = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($nids);
foreach ($node_detail as $node){ // In node_detail array we have all nodes details..
// here we are fetching fields detail.
$title = $node->getTitle();
$application_category_id = $node->field_application_category->target_id;
$img = file_create_url($node->field_application_image->entity->getFileUri());
$image_gallery .='<div class ="imggallery"><img src="'.$img.'"><p>'.$title.'</p></div>';
// here returning $image_gallery array with image_gallery detail.
return array(
'#markup' => t($image_gallery),
Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'Programmatically Node load and Multiple Node load in drupal 8. ' then you can ask by comments.