Showing posts with label Drupal::entityQuery(). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drupal::entityQuery(). Show all posts

Thursday, 8 August 2019

How to delete content node programmatically in drupal 8?

Here we have simple way to 'delete content programmatically'. We can use this code in our "custom module/plugin" or  "hook_entity_predelete" or in "hook_entity_delete". Just use that simple code..


 $result = \Drupal::entityQuery("node")
                ->condition('type', 'resources');  // here change the content type of your
 $nids = $result->execute();

  if (!empty($nids)) {
    $nodes = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($nids);

#Extra notes: here we can add more conditions in 'entityQuery' as per our requirement.

Note: How to delete content node programmatically in drupal 8?

Friday, 14 September 2018

What is right query structure for drupal 8?

Here we are defining our drupal 8 query structure with easy mode. You can find/search here INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE.
We will explain in easy way with an examples, Please have a look..
That is our table `testing_form` structure..

id candidate_name candidate_mail candidate_number candidate_dob
1 John 1236547890 2014-10-22
2 Mary 5698741230 2014-10-23
3 Karen 0123654789 2014-10-23

INSERT Query Structure:
According to php we will define INSERT Query as:

$insert_query = "INSERT INTO testing_form (candidate_name, candidate_mail, candidate_number, candidate_dob) VALUES ('sahil', '', '9874563210', '22-11-1990')";
mysqli_query($connection, $insert_query);

And now in case of drupal 8, our structure will be.

$fields = array(
    'candidate_name'   => 'sahil',
    'candidate_mail'   => '',
    'candidate_number' => '9874563210' ,
    'candidate_dob'    => '22-11-1990',           
Here 'testing_form' is table name and $fields variable is the data for fields of table.

SELECT Query Structure:
According to php we will define SELECT Query as:

$select_query = "SELECT * from testing_form where id = '2' and id != '3'";
mysqli_query($connection, $select_query);

And now in case of drupal 8, our structure will be.

$result = db_select('testing_form', 't')
    ->condition('id', 2, '=')
    ->condition('id', 3, '!=')
Here 'testing_form' is table name and our condition is all 2nd id candidate come but not come on 3rd id candidate.

We have some other method for SELECT query with connection in drupal 8..

$connection = \Drupal\Core\Database\Database::getConnection();
$results = $connection->query('select candidate_name, candidate_mail, candidate_number, candidate_dob')->fetchAll();

UPDATE Query Structure:
According to php we will define UPDATE Query as:

$update_query = "UPDATE `testing_form` set candidate_name='karen sood' where id='3'";
mysqli_query($connection, $update_query);

And now in case of drupal 8, our structure will be.

$update_query = \Drupal::database()->update('testing_form')
          ->fields(array('candidate_name' => 'karen sood', 'candidate_number' => '1236547890'))
          ->condition('id', '3')         
Here 'testing_form' is table name and our condition is id number `2nd` of candidate data will update.

DELETE Query Structure:
According to php we will define DELETE Query as:

$delete_query = "DELETE from `testing_form` where id='3'";
mysqli_query($connection, $delete_query);

And now in case of drupal 8, our structure will be.

$delete_query = \Drupal::database()->delete('testing_form');
      ->condition('id', '3');   
Here 'testing_form' is table name and our condition is id number `3rd` of candidate data will delete.

So these all are INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE queries structure for Drupal 8. Next time we will come with `JOINS`, like how to use `joins` in drupal 8 query with many of conditions.

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'What is right query structure for drupal 8?' then you can ask by comments.  

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Programmatically Node load and Multiple Node load in drupal 8.

In drupal 7, we have node_load($nodeid) for load the node but now in drupal 8 syntax is changed and now node load by Node::load($nodeid) or Add the name space at the top of the page. \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nodeid);

If we are using Symfony library and calling name space

use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;

So we do not need to use node class in node::load, we just need the syntax like Node::load($nodeid);

but if we are not calling or render name space then for node load we need to use the syntax like


For get the node detail fields by Node::load($nodeid) syntax is..

Example: This example is for single node load.

              $node_detail = Node::load($nodeid);


              $node_detail = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nodeid);

              $node_id = $node_detail->id();

              $node_title = $node_detail->getTitle();

              $node_status = $node_detail->isPublished();

              $node_type = $node_detail->type->target_id; 

              $node_field_select_id = $node_detail->get('field_machine_name')->target_id;

              $node_field_select_value = $node_detail->get('field_machine_name')->value;


In drupal 8 for load multiple nodes of any `Content Type`, we have Node::loadMultiple() and Drupal::entityQuery() functions for load all the nodes of given content type. We have an Example with Syntax for this, please have a look.
$all_nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('type','write content type machine name ')->execute();

Then pass the $get_all_nids variable to Node::loadMultiple function for get data..

$nodes = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($get_all_nids);

    $nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('type','applications')->execute(); // There application is my content type machine name..
    $node_detail = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($nids);
    foreach ($node_detail as $node){  // In node_detail array we have all nodes details..
        // here we are fetching fields detail.
        $title = $node->getTitle();
        $application_category_id = $node->field_application_category->target_id;       
        $img = file_create_url($node->field_application_image->entity->getFileUri());
        $image_gallery .='<div class ="imggallery"><img src="'.$img.'"><p>'.$title.'</p></div>';
    // here returning $image_gallery array with image_gallery detail.
    return array(
    '#markup' => t($image_gallery),

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'Programmatically Node load and Multiple Node load in drupal 8. ' then you can ask by comments.   

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