Simple way to create node in Drupal 8 is use of Node::create() function. We are going to explain with an example.
Code structure:
$entity_type = 'node';
$values = [
'nid' => NULL,
'type' => 'article', // put the content type machine name here..
'title' => 'Testing title', // title of the node..
'uid' => 1, //user id for node publisher or use \Drupal::currentUser()->id() for default logged-in user id..
'status' => TRUE, // published..
'field_metatags' => serialize([
'title' => 'Some title',
'description' => 'Some description.',
$node = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity_type)->create($values);
We have another code for node creation…
$nodeArray = array();
$nodeArray = array(
'type' => 'resources',
'langcode' => 'en',
'uid' => '1', //\Drupal::currentUser()->id(),
'status' => '1',
'title' => $row->title,
'created' => strtotime($row->created),
'path' => [
'alias' => $row->page_url,
'pathauto' => PathautoState::SKIP,
$node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::create($nodeArray);
$node->set('body', ['value' => $row->body, 'summary' => '', 'format' => 'full_html']);
$node->set('field_resources_content_type', $row->field_resources_content_type);
$node->set('field_resources_lob', $row->field_resources_lob);
$node->set('field_resources_vidyard_id', $row->field_resources_vidyard_id);
$node->set('field_instrument_description', $row->field_instrument_description);
$node->set('field_source', $row->source);
$node->set('field_expiration_date', $row->field_expiration_date);
$node->set('field_meta_tags', serialize([
'title' => $row->field_meta_title,
'description' => $row->field_meta_description,
'keywords' => $row->field_meta_keywords,
$document_url = $row->field_resources_asset_tagging;
$extfile_info = basename($document_url);
$filename = explode(".", $extfile_info);
list($ext_name, $extension) = explode(".", $extfile_info);
//$name = $filename[0] . '.' . $extension;
$name = $extfile_info;
$savepath = str_replace($base_url.'/sites/default/files/','',$document_url);
$uploaded_file = file_save_data(file_get_contents($document_url), "public://".$savepath, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
$file_url = $uploaded_file->getFileUri();
$fid = $uploaded_file->get('fid')->value;
if (!empty($uploaded_file)) {
$node->set('field_resources_asset_tagging', ['target_id' => $fid]);
} else {
drupal_set_message('file not uploaded for '.$row->title,'warning');
$thumbnail_url = $row->field_resources_thumbnail;
$extfile_info1 = basename($thumbnail_url);
$filename = explode(".", $extfile_info1);
list($ext_name, $extension) = explode(".", $extfile_info1);
//$name = $filename[0] . '.' . $extension;
$name = $extfile_info1;
$uploaded_thumbnail = file_save_data(file_get_contents($thumbnail_url), "public://importcsv/$name", FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
$file_url = $uploaded_thumbnail->getFileUri();
$fid = $uploaded_thumbnail->get('fid')->value;
if (!empty($uploaded_thumbnail)) {
$node->set('field_resources_thumbnail', ['target_id' => $fid]);
$res_save = $node->save();
Here we are giving an example for node create programmatically in Drupal 8, default fields, entity reference field, text field, list field, image upload, PDF upload in Node::create() code.
Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'How to create node programmatically in drupal 8?' then you can ask by comments.