Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Steps for Add Custom or Add More Language on website.

If we want to add custom language or add multiple languages on our drupal website then we have to add and install `Language Module` first.

Install Language module

Then click on the Configure link or go with this link "/admin/config/regional/language".
Language List

and then you can add custom language by choose last option "Custom Language". After choose you will be redirect in this page.

Choose Custom or other language option
If we are choosing default languages that given by module then automatically will be added on list, but in case of last option custom language we will reach in this page.

Set Custom language code and name

After this you will redirect to listing page of added languages.
Language list
here we can set our default language that will automatically display in language list.

After that we have to check the "Show language selector on create and edit pages" option on content type edit page in "language settings".
Content type edit page for add dropdown option

Then you will be get the language drop-down in body/description type fields on node form.
So this is the simple steps for Add Custom or Add more language in website.

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'Steps for Add Custom or Add More Language on website.' then you can ask by comments.  

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Media entity fields render in drupal 8 Node Twig template.

If we want to load media entity fields on node twig template. It's easy to load media entity, Please have a look..

{# call to media entity fields on node twig #}

{% for key, item in node.field_document_entity_browser %} 
// This is the node field which is connect to media field `field_document_entity_browser`..
{% if node.field_document_entity_browser[key].entity %}
// here we are rendering media entity field which machine name is `field_capt2120`..                           
{{ node.field_document_entity_browser.entity.field_capt2120[key].value }}

// here we are rendering media entity image field which machine name is `field_media_image`..        
{%if item.entity %}
{% set media = item.entity %}
{% set file = media.field_media_image.entity %}
{% set uri = file_url(file.uri.value) %}
<img src="{{ uri }}" alt="{{ media.name.value }}" />
 {% endif %}                           
 {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'Media entity fields render in drupal 8 Node Twig template.' then you can ask by comments.  

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Paragraph fields render in drupal 8 Node Twig template.

If we want to load paragraph entity fields on node twig template. It's easy to load paragraph entity, Please have a look..

{# call to paragraph entity fields on node twig #}

{{ node.field_professional_features.entity.field_professional_services_name.value }}
 // here `field_professional_features` is the content type field and `field_professional_services_name` is the related paragraph field..

{{ node.field_professional_features.entity.field_professional_services_summ.value }}
  // here `field_professional_features` is the content type field and `field_professional_services_summ` is the related paragraph field..

// here we are calling paragraph image field..

{% for key, image in node.field_professional_features %}
// here `field_professional_features` is the content type field..
{%if image.entity %}
{% set paragraph = image.entity %}
{% set file = paragraph.field_professional_services_imag.entity %}
 // here `field_professional_services_imag` is the related paragraph field..
{% set uri = file_url(file.uri.value) %}

<img src="{{ uri }}" alt="{{ paragraph.name.value }}" />

{% endif %}
{% endfor %} 

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'Paragraph fields render in drupal 8 Twig template.' then you can ask by comments.  

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Replace any string or value in twig template variable.

If we want to Replace the value in twig template then we have an example and syntax, please have a look..
    ****  replace '-' with '$' sign in vidyard ID ****  

{% set twig_content_variable  = node.field_resources_vidyard_id.value  %}   // here we are applying on field_resources_vidyard_id field..
{% set replace_value_var      = '-' %}
{% set replace_with_value_var = '$' %}
{%if twig_content_variable %}
   {% set vidyard_function_id = twig_content_variable|replace({ '-': '$' }) %}
{% endif %}

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'Replace any string or value in twig template variable.' then you can ask by comments. 

Programmatically Media load in drupal 8.

If we want to load Media entity. we have to add library on the top of page. ( use Drupal\media\Entity\Media; )
Then its easy to load media entity by the syntax.
$media_detail = Media::load($mid);    // here $mid is media entity id       
now if we want to get image field data of media field then syntax is..

$media_img = file_create_url($media_detail->field_media_image->entity->getFileUri());
 // here field_media_image is field name in media entity
now if we want to get any text field value then syntax will be..

$media_caption = $media_detail->get('field_capt2120')->getValue();   
// here field_capt2120 is the machine name of caption field in media entity    

foreach($m_caption as $mkey){
   $capval = $mkey['value'];    // here we will get the caption value           

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'Programmatically Media load in drupal 8.' then you can ask by comments.   

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Programmatically Node load and Multiple Node load in drupal 8.

In drupal 7, we have node_load($nodeid) for load the node but now in drupal 8 syntax is changed and now node load by Node::load($nodeid) or Add the name space at the top of the page. \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nodeid);

If we are using Symfony library and calling name space

use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;

So we do not need to use node class in node::load, we just need the syntax like Node::load($nodeid);

but if we are not calling or render name space then for node load we need to use the syntax like


For get the node detail fields by Node::load($nodeid) syntax is..

Example: This example is for single node load.

              $node_detail = Node::load($nodeid);


              $node_detail = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nodeid);

              $node_id = $node_detail->id();

              $node_title = $node_detail->getTitle();

              $node_status = $node_detail->isPublished();

              $node_type = $node_detail->type->target_id; 

              $node_field_select_id = $node_detail->get('field_machine_name')->target_id;

              $node_field_select_value = $node_detail->get('field_machine_name')->value;


In drupal 8 for load multiple nodes of any `Content Type`, we have Node::loadMultiple() and Drupal::entityQuery() functions for load all the nodes of given content type. We have an Example with Syntax for this, please have a look.
$all_nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('type','write content type machine name ')->execute();

Then pass the $get_all_nids variable to Node::loadMultiple function for get data..

$nodes = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($get_all_nids);

    $nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('type','applications')->execute(); // There application is my content type machine name..
    $node_detail = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($nids);
    foreach ($node_detail as $node){  // In node_detail array we have all nodes details..
        // here we are fetching fields detail.
        $title = $node->getTitle();
        $application_category_id = $node->field_application_category->target_id;       
        $img = file_create_url($node->field_application_image->entity->getFileUri());
        $image_gallery .='<div class ="imggallery"><img src="'.$img.'"><p>'.$title.'</p></div>';
    // here returning $image_gallery array with image_gallery detail.
    return array(
    '#markup' => t($image_gallery),

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'Programmatically Node load and Multiple Node load in drupal 8. ' then you can ask by comments.   

Thursday, 23 August 2018

How we can Url Alias in Drupal 8?

If you want to path alias in drupal 8 then we have different syntax in drupal 8, Please follow this.
$alias = \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')->getAliasByPath($tid or $nid);

Example: like if we have taxonomy term and we want to path alias so first we create URL path as given exmaple..

$tid = '/taxonomy/term/'.$term_id;
$alias = \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')->getAliasByPath($tid); or \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')->getAliasByPath('/taxonomy/term/'.$term_id),


$nid = '/node/'.$node_id;
$alias = \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')->getAliasByPath($nid); or \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')->getAliasByPath('/node/'.$node_id),

Simple then we can use this alias to send or redirect using
$response = new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse($alias);

Note: If have any suggestions or issue regarding 'How we can Url Alias in Drupal 8?' then you can ask by comments.

How to resolve max execution time error in drupal ?

When you found error regarding 'max_execution_time' exceed, then you can follow steps for resolve this error: Steps:   You can put t...